I am creating a UI using GTK3 (from gi.repository) and python3. When I add default icons to the UI and then run the program it crashes with the fellowing error:
segmentation fault (core dumped) python main.py
I am adding the icon with the set_icon_list
method of Gtk.Window:
If I comment this line, the program runs as intended. I get the icon list with the function below:
def load_icon():
req = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse("pympress")
# If pkg_resources fails, load from directory
icon_names = pkg_resources.resource_listdir(req, "share/pixmaps")
except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:
icon_names = os.listdir("share/pixmaps")
icons = []
for icon_name in icon_names:
if os.path.splitext(icon_name)[1].lower() != ".png":
# If pkg_resources fails, load from directory
icon_fn = pkg_resources.resource_filename(req, "share/pixmaps/{}".format(icon_name))
except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:
icon_fn = "share/pixmaps/{}".format(icon_name)
icon_pixbuf = Pixbuf()
except Exception as e:
return icons
It returns a list of Pixbuf which is the intended input of set_icon_list.
The full code is available on github: https://github.com/Jenselme/pympress Any idea what the problem is ?
Although it shouldn't crash, part of the problem might be due to the way new_from_file() is being used. new_from_file() is a constructor which returns a new pixbuf which you should store in a variable. It does not load the contents of the file into an existing pixbuf. So the "icons" list actually contains a bunch of empty (or rather 1x1) pixbufs.
# Creates a new 1x1 pixbuf.
icon_pixbuf = Pixbuf()
# Creates a new pixbuf from the file the value of which is lost
# because there is no assignment.
# Stores the first 1x1 pixbuf in the list.
What you really want is:
icon_pixbuf = Pixbuf.new_from_file(icon_fn)
In any case, it should not segfault. Please log it as a bug with a minimal code example which causes the crash: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=pygobject
Also note the version of gi and GTK+ being used:
import gi
from gi.repository import Gtk