I am embedding a WebKit WebView in my RubyMotion OS X app.
@web_view = WebView.alloc.initWithFrame(NSMakeRect(0, 0, 1000, 500))
It seems by default, I can right click to display a menu which allows me to reload/refresh the page. However, ⌘ + R does not work. How can I add this functionality?
I think you can reload the webpages if you add `reload' action into main menu.
addMenu('View') do
item = addItemWithTitle('Show Toolbar', action: 'toggleToolbarShown:', keyEquivalent: 't')
item.keyEquivalentModifierMask = NSCommandKeyMask|NSAlternateKeyMask
addItemWithTitle('Customize Toolbar…', action: 'runToolbarCustomizationPalette:', keyEquivalent: '')
# add Reload action
addItemWithTitle('Reload', action: 'reload:', keyEquivalent: 'r')