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Using ICS to redirect users?

I made a network using netsh and ICS. But i want to be able to redirect each request to my website.

Like This:

Computer A requests the website

Host responds with my_website.

Is this possible in any way?

Answers are much appreciated.


  • Use the sharp-pcap wrapper ( to detect web requests and inject a 307 status HTTP response informing the originator of the request that the website they requested has moved to the location of your website.

    The way this works:

    1) I open my browser and navigate to

    2) My browser sends a request to the server of the website requesting / (i.e. index)

    3) On the ICS pc my request is picked up and a response, redirecting me to is sent instead.

    4) My browser receives the response and then tries to load instead

    5) When your code picks up requests to, it allows the packets to flow normally