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How to render a list/stringbuilder to template

I have a list of objects that i retrieved from a JSon File. I am trying to render them into the index.scala.html to create a table, but I am unable to do so. Help?

I tried @(StringBuilder: mystring) and it did not work.

I was wondering after I am successful (hopefully) in rendering the list/stringbuilder into the template how do I use it to make a table?

public static Result index() {
  List<MetaModel> arr = getData();

  StringBuilder myString = new StringBuilder();
  for(MetaModel model : arr)

  return ok(index.render(myString.toString()));


  • My Java is a bit rusty, anyway you are calling toString() on the StringBuilder but in the template you have @(StringBuilder: mystring) which is the wrong type and the wrong syntax, it should be @(myString: String).

    If instead you want to pass the StringBuilder to the template, simply avoid calling toString and bind the variable like this @(mystring: StringBuilder).

    For Lists, simply bind the variable in the template @(integers: List[Int]) and then use map

    <ul> { someInt => <li>@someInt</li> }

    or simpler @for function:

       @for( someInt <- integers) { <li>@someInt</li> }

    More info and also some examples are also on the Play documentation for Java.