I am trying to run a python script on a remote computer via psexec. I am able to connect and run python.exe with the following:
C:\test>psexec \\192.168.X.X -u domain\administrator -p password -i C:\Anaconda\python.exe
The path to python.exe is the path on the remote machine. This opens a python window on the remote machine - all good.
I want to now pass a python script from the host machine to run on the remote. This script is on the host machine in C:\test\test.py. I tried
psexec \\192.168.X.X -u domain\administrator -p password -i "C:\Anaconda\python.exe" -c C:\test\test.py
and get:
C:\Anaconda\python.exe exited on 192.168.X.X with error code 1.
I also tried-c test.py without the full path, and got a similar error. My thought is the remote application cannot find C:\test\test.py. I want to be able to pass the script from the host machine.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
Was able to access a python script on a shared drive from the remote computer and host, and so by copying to the share from the host and reading from the share on the remote machine i had a suitable workaround (the -i switch is not required).
psexec \\remote_machine_name -u domain\user -p pswrd -i C:/Anaconda/python.exe \\server\share\test\test.py
Related: if you are running on windows and writing to a UNC path from a python script i.e test.py above, helpful path formatting help:
python copy files to a network location on Windows without mapping a drive