From the sample data below, I'm trying to identify accounts (by ID and SEQ) where there is an occurence of STATUS_DATE for at least 3 consecutive months. I've been messing with this for a while and I'm not at all sure how to tackle it.
Sample Data:
11111 1 01/01/2014
11111 1 02/10/2014
11111 1 03/15/2014
11111 1 05/01/2014
11111 2 01/30/2014
22222 1 06/20/2014
22222 1 07/15/2014
22222 1 07/16/2014
22222 1 08/01/2014
22222 2 02/01/2014
22222 2 09/10/2014
What I need to return:
11111 1 01/01/2014
11111 1 02/10/2014
11111 1 03/15/2014
22222 1 06/20/2014
22222 1 07/15/2014
22222 1 07/16/2014
22222 1 08/01/2014
Any help would be appreciated.
Here is one method:
data have;
input ID SEQ STATUS_DATE $12.;
11111 1 01/01/2014
11111 1 02/10/2014
11111 1 03/15/2014
11111 1 05/01/2014
11111 2 01/30/2014
22222 1 06/20/2014
22222 1 07/15/2014
22222 1 07/16/2014
22222 1 08/01/2014
22222 2 02/01/2014
22222 2 09/10/2014
data grouped (keep = id seq status_date group) groups (keep = group2);
set have;
sasdate = input(status_date, mmddyy12.);
month = month(sasdate);
year = year(sasdate);
pdate = intnx('month', sasdate, -1);
if lag(year) = year(sasdate) and lag(month) = month(sasdate) then group+0;
else if lag(year) = year(pdate) and lag(month) = month(pdate) then count+1;
else do;
count = 0;
if count = 0 and lag(count) > 1 then do;
group2 = group-1;
output groups;
output grouped;
data want (keep = id seq status_date);
merge grouped groups (in=a rename=(group2=group));
by group;
if a;
Basically I give observations the same group number if they are in consecutive months, then also create a data set with group numbers of groups with more than 2 observations. Then I merge those two data sets and only keep observations which are in the second data set, that is, those with more than 2 observations.