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WMI - select from Win32_Product takes a long time

I am enumerating installed applications using WMI, and this block is taking a relatively long time to complete no matter how I structure it. It takes 13 seconds in my environment every time. Is there a better (faster) way to check if a program is installed? (I'm using iTunes as an example program to check for)

    private static string Timestamp
        get { return DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffff"); }

    private static void LoadInstalledPrograms()
        List<string> installedPrograms = new List<string>();
        Console.WriteLine("0 - {0}", Timestamp);
        ManagementObjectSearcher mos = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_Product");
        Console.WriteLine("1 - {0}", Timestamp);
        ManagementObjectCollection managementObjectCollection = mos.Get();
        Console.WriteLine("2 - {0}", Timestamp);
        foreach (ManagementObject mo in managementObjectCollection)
        Console.WriteLine("3 - {0}", Timestamp);
        Console.WriteLine("Length - {0}", installedPrograms.Count);

SELECT * FROM Win32_Product

0 - 08:08:51.3762
1 - 08:08:51.3942
2 - 08:08:51.4012
3 - 08:09:04.8326
Length - 300

SELECT * FROM Win32_Product WHERE name = 'iTunes'

0 - 08:14:17.6529
1 - 08:14:17.6709
2 - 08:14:17.6779
3 - 08:14:31.0332
Length - 1

SELECT * FROM Win32_Product WHERE name LIKE 'iTunes'

0 - 08:16:38.2719
1 - 08:16:38.2899
2 - 08:16:38.2999
3 - 08:16:51.5113
Length - 1

SELECT name FROM Win32_Product WHERE name LIKE 'iTunes'

0 - 08:19:53.9144
1 - 08:19:53.9324
2 - 08:19:53.9394
3 - 08:20:07.2794
Length - 1


  • WMI is taking it's time as you already noticed. Iterating through the registry might do the trick for you.

    You might have a look at Get installed applications in a system here on stackoverflow, where both methods are mentioned.