I'm using angular-pikaday
plugin (https://github.com/nverba/angular-pikaday) and I have a problem with a date formatting.
What I need to get is a model with a string of date in format YYYY-MM-dd
I've installed Moment.js
through bower (as documentation says that it's needed). Part of code looks like this (angular-pikaday.coffee)
picker = new Pikaday(
field: elem[0]
trigger: document.getElementById(attrs.triggerId)
bound: attrs.bound isnt "false"
position: attrs.position or ""
format: "YYYY-MM-dd" # Requires Moment.js for custom formatting
defaultDate: new Date()
setDefaultDate: attrs.setDefaultDate is "true"
firstDay: 1
( ... )
How can I put formatted date inside ng-model passed in HTML?
Date = {{ myPickerObject.getDate() | date:'YYYY-MM-dd' }}
$filter('data')(myPickerObject.getDate(), 'YYYY-MM-dd' )