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How set Akka supervisor for actors created by system.actorOf

How can I set two different supervisor policies for two actors created using system context:

val exporter = system.actorOf(Props[DataExporter], name = "dataExporter")
val communicator = system.actorOf(Props[DeviceCommunicator], name = "deviceCommunicator")

And can I check the actor type during handling exception?


  • I don't think there's a way to define multiple supervising strategies inside of one actor. But you could create another layer with two actors that each implement a specific strategy and let them forward the messages to the respective worker actors.

    val exporter = system.actorOf(Props[DataExporterSupervisor], ...)
    val communicator = system.actorOf(Props[DeviceCommunicatorSupervisor], ...)
    class DataExporterSupervisor extends Actor {
      val exporter = system.actorOf(Props[DataExporter], ...)
      override val supervisorStrategy = ???
      def receive = {
        case _ => exporter forward _
    class DeviceCommunicatorSupervisor extends Actor {
      val communicator = system.actorOf(Props[DeviceCommunicator], ...)
      override val supervisorStrategy = ???
      def receive = {
        case _ => communicator forward _