I am trying to use Zabbix's API to return all of the hosts belonging to a particular host group. Reading the documentation on host.get, I thought that the groupids parameter would be exactly what I needed to perform this task. It states: "Return only hosts that belong to the given groups".
The problem is that no matter what group I specify, the function returns every single host in all of the host groups. I have a workaround for it but that involves painstaking configuration of each host's visible name.
Here is just a small example I created to reproduce the issue. For reference, I am using Zabbix 2.2.3 and PyZabbix 0.6.
from pyzabbix import ZabbixAPI
zapi = ZabbixAPI("http://zabbix_URL/zabbix")
zapi.login("username", "password")
for host in zapi.host.get(filter={'groupids': '9'}):
print host
I don't beleive that it is an error in my syntax(though it may be) because if I change the parameters to the following, it returns the exact host that I request.
for host in zapi.host.get(filter={'hostid': '10084'}):
Does anyone know if this is a bug in the API or am I just not understanding the groupids parameter?
It seems that "groupids" should be specified outside of "filter".
Indeed, if I put the following inside "params", it returns all hosts as you described:
"output": "extend",
"filter" : { "groupids": [ "14" ] }
But if I specify "groupids" directly, the Zabbix API only returns hosts for the specified group:
"output": "extend",
"groupids": [ "14" ]