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How to change the auto numbering id field to serial type in PostgreSQL

I have a Database which is migrated from MSSQL to PostgreSQL(9.2).
This Database have 100+ tables, These table have autonumbering filed(PRIMARY KEY field), given below is an example for a table

  companyid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('seq_company_id'::regclass),
  company character varying(100),
  add1 character varying(100),
  add2 character varying(100),
  add3 character varying(100),
  phoneoff character varying(30),
  phoneres character varying(30)
  CONSTRAINT gcompany_pkey PRIMARY KEY (companyid)

sample data

 INSERT INTO company (company, add1, add2, add3, phoneoff, phoneres) VALUES   
 INSERT INTO company (company, add1, add2, add3, phoneoff, phoneres) VALUES  
 INSERT INTO company (company, add1, add2, add3, phoneoff, phoneres) VALUES 

and below is the sequence for this table

CREATE SEQUENCE seq_company_id
 MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
ALTER TABLE seq_company_id
OWNER TO postgres;

while reading PostgreSQL Documentation i read about Serial Types so i wish to change all the existing auto numbering fields to serial. How to do it?

i have tried

alter table company alter column companyid type serial 

 ERROR:  type "serial" does not exist
     ********** Error **********


  • There is indeed no data type serial. It is just a shorthand notation for a default value populated from sequence (see the manual for details), essentially what you have now.

    The only difference between your setup and a column defined as serial is that there is a link between the sequence and the column, which you can define manually as well:

    alter sequence seq_gcompany_id owned by company.companyid;

    With that link in place you can no longer distinguish your column from a column initially defined as serial. What this change does, is that the sequence will automatically be dropped if the table (or the column) is dropped that uses it.