This is my first attempt at creating an app. and using Xcode.
The reason this question hasn't been answered before is because there are no answers to my question from the perspective I'm currently at, namely, I've followed the instructions on this URL to creating an app:
I have got to the Part 3 of 5: Creating the App, section 6 - thereafter my question is not answered - which is how to make my button make a call when tapped.
Therefore I am now, in Xcode at the point where (remember I followed those instructions on the linked page) I have my one button on the screen but ALL the instructions I could find doesn't address exactly what I need to do to make that button make a call.
Some examples show code like here: Making a Button Call a Phone Number in iOS
but doesn't tell me what to do with that code, I'm new to all of this so finding out the exact steps from this point has been brutal at best. Also, all the code I have tried pasting into sheets that have code in them (by clicking around) the code shows errors - all the code I've obtained from the web.
Any help?
P.S. On this page, a poster says that there is actually a button that is associated with making calls, but I again, know not where to find this…
Open your xib/storyboard side-by-side with your view controller implementation, hold Control and drag your button (interface builder) to your implementation. Xcode should generate an IBAction for you automatically.
On your code, call:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"tel:911"]];