I have a table like this from which I am getting total number of call_count
for a particular model_id
in PHX
and SJC
datacenter for a particular meta_date.
machine_name hour_of_day sec_of_hour meta_date client_id model_id call_count avg median datacenter
machineA 13 168 2014-07-30 00:00:00 Test13N 65 100 38.6382 5 PHX
machineA 13 170 2014-07-30 00:00:00 Test13N 65 200 34.382 4 PHX
machineB 13 168 2014-07-30 00:00:00 Test13N 65 200 33.62 3 SLC
machineB 13 170 2014-07-30 00:00:00 Test13N 65 300 32.60 2 SLC
machineC 13 168 2014-07-30 00:00:00 Test13N 65 400 31.20 6 SJC
machineC 13 170 2014-07-30 00:00:00 Test13N 65 500 39.82 8 SJC
So with the below query -
SELECT client_id, model_id,
sum(case when datacenter = 'PHX' then call_count END) phx,
sum(case when datacenter = 'SLC' then call_count END) slc,
sum(case when datacenter = 'SJC' then call_count END) sjc
FROM models b
where meta_date= CURDATE()-1
group by client_id, model_id
order by client_id, model_id;
I get result as which means for model_id 65, 300 calls were made from phx, 500 calls were made from slc and 900 calls were made from sjc datacenter.
client_id model_id phx slc sjc
Test13N 65 300 500 900
Problem Statement:-
Now what I am supposed to do is, I also need to show the avg
time taken in PHX, SLC and SJC datacenter for all the calls for a particular model_id. Similarly for median
as well for PHX, SLC and SJC datacenter.
Meaning what is the avg time taken by 300 calls in PHX datacenter and median time taken by 300 calls in PHX datacenter. Similarly for SLC and SJC.
And I am thinking of using weighted average here. Since with the above table for machineA, 100 calls took 38.6382 ms on average in PHX datacenter for 168 second of hour and 200 calls took 34.382 ms on average in 170 second of hour.
So I am thinking of calculating avg like this for PHX datacenter using weighted average here-
(100 * 38.6382 + 200* 34.382) / (100 + 200)
so at the end I need to show the result like this -
client_id model_id phx slc sjc phx_avg phx_median slc_avg slc_median sjc_avg sjc_median
Test13N 65 300 500 900
How do I accomodate the above formula in my current sql so that I can calculate avg time taken by 300 calls in PHX and median time taken by 300 calls in PHX. Similarly for SLC and SJC. I am working with mysql database.
Your idea of using a weighted average to compute the average time is perfect.
This query (http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/031211/5/0) does the job just fine.
sum(case when datacenter = 'PHX' then call_count END) phx,
sum(case when datacenter = 'PHX' then call_count * avg END)/
sum(case when datacenter = 'PHX' then call_count END) phx_avg,
You don't have sufficient information to compute the median; that requires presence of the detail records that went into the medians shown in your table. You could fake the computation somehow. But if your traffic engineers base their work on a fake median computation, your company will be sorry. Don't do that!