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Multiple Adobe Analytic tools in Adobe DTM - how do I only have one fire at a time?

I have multiple instances of Adobe Analytics in the same Adobe DTM web property. They all go to different report suites. I'd like to create a page load rule so that the data is only reported to one report suite for any given page. So far the page load rules that I have created are causing the AA data to report to all of the report suites. Does anyone have any idea to get them to only fire to one at a time?

Thanks, Mike


  • It is possible to set DTM to suppress the call for an event based rule or direct call rule but currently it is not possible to do it with a page load rule within the DTM built-in interface.

    Some things you can do:

    1) Combine your Adobe Analytics instances into a single instance. Is there a particular reason you are using multiple instances of Adobe Analytics? I know you mentioned they are for separate report suites, but are they also for separate Adobe Analytics instances altogether? If not, is it because they are completely separate implementations with different variables and logic assigned for them? If the only thing different between them is report suite id, then you should combine them and write some logic to pop relevant report suite id(s) for s.account.

    2) Make use of s.abort to suppress the calls. If your code version is H25.3+ or you are using AppMeasurement then you can set s.abort to true to make the next Adobe Analytics request (s.t or call) be cancelled. Note that this may only be feasible if your instances are all using separate namespaces.. if you are just outputting several instances of code all under the same namespace, you will have issues. Also, if you are doing that, then you may also have issues as far as variables carrying over to other instances. But in any case, basically within your page load rule you'd add a rule condition where criteria is Data:Custom and then you'd write js logic to determine which one(s) you don't want to pop and set [namespace].abort=true; for each of them. Then return true at the end to make sure the condition is always true.

    Or, you can set s.abort=true; within the Custom Page Code section for each Adobe Analytics instance you want to suppress in the page load rule. There are various other methods for popping s.abort but hopefully you get the picture. Which one is best just depends on how all your stuff is actually setup.

    3) Pop the Adobe Analytics tags as a regular tag instead of a Tool. Remove them as a tool and put them as a Javascript / Third Pary Tag within the page load rule. This includes the core lib code and anything else you may have in the Tool config section. This also means outputting the "trigger" (s.t call). Make a separate one for each one and then you can make conditions for them to pop.