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How do Scrapy from_settings and from_crawler class methods work?

I need to add the following class method to my existing pipeline

i am not sure how to have 2 of these class methods in my class

from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
import MySQLdb.cursors

class MySQLStorePipeline(object):
    """A pipeline to store the item in a MySQL database.
    This implementation uses Twisted's asynchronous database API.
    def __init__(self, dbpool):
        self.dbpool = dbpool

    def from_settings(cls, settings):
        dbargs = dict(
            host= settings['DB_HOST'],
            db= settings['DB_NAME'],
            user= settings['DB_USER'],
            passwd= settings['DB_PASSWD'],
        dbpool = adbapi.ConnectionPool('MySQLdb', **dbargs)
        return cls(dbpool)

    def process_item(self, item, spider):


  • From my understanding of class methods, several class methods in a python class should just be fine. It just depends on which one the caller requires. However, I have only seen from_crawler until now in scrapy pipelines. From there you can get access to the settings via crawler.settings

    Are you sure that from_settings is required? I did not check all occurences, but in priority seems to apply: If a crawler object is available and a from_crawler method exists, this is taken. Otherwise, if there is a from_settings method, that is taken. Otherwise, the raw constructor is taken.

    if crawler and hasattr(mwcls, 'from_crawler'):                  
        mw = mwcls.from_crawler(crawler)                            
    elif hasattr(mwcls, 'from_settings'):                           
        mw = mwcls.from_settings(settings)                          
        mw = mwcls()

    I admit, I do not know if this is also the place where pipelines get created (I guess not, but there is no, but the implementation seems very reasonable.

    So, I'd just either:

    • reimplement the whole method as from_crawler and only use that one
    • add method from_crawler and use both

    The new method could look like follows (to duplicate as little code as possible):

    def from_crawler(cls, crawler):
        obj = cls.from_settings(crawler.settings)
        return obj

    Of course this depends a bit on what you need.