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How would you protect a database of links from being scraped?

I have a large database of links, which are all sorted in specific ways and are attached to other information, which is valuable (to some people).

Currently my setup (which seems to work) simply calls a php file like link.php?id=123, it logs the request with a timestamp into the DB. Before it spits out the link, it checks how many requests were made from that IP in the last 5 minutes. If its greater than x, it redirects you to a captcha page.

That all works fine and dandy, but the site has been getting really popular (as well as been getting DDOsed for about 6 weeks), so php has been getting floored, so Im trying to minimize the times I have to hit up php to do something. I wanted to show links in plain text instead of thru link.php?id= and have an onclick function to simply add 1 to the view count. Im still hitting up php, but at least if it lags, it does so in the background, and the user can see the link they requested right away.

Problem is, that makes the site REALLY scrapable. Is there anything I can do to prevent this, but still not rely on php to do the check before spitting out the link?


  • It seems that the bottleneck is at the database. Each request performs an insert (logs the request), then a select (determine the number of requests from the IP in the last 5 minutes), and then whatever database operations are necessary to perform the core function of the application.

    Consider maintaining the request throttling data (IP, request time) in server memory rather than burdening the database. Two solutions are memcache ( and memcached (

    As others have noted, ensure that indexes exist for whatever keys are queried (fields such as the link id). If indexes are in place and the database still suffers from the load, try an HTTP accelerator such as Varnish (