I'm working with Bootstrap and focusing on the mobile navigation. When hovered over, the icon (three horizontal lines) has a grey background color; however, the background color only goes halfway up the icon (see image). I don't mind this background color but I'd like to to be over the full icon with rounded edges on top as they are on the bottom. How can I make this happen? Any ideas/suggestions appreciated.
You need to change to Icon Bar color, showed in:
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
Set the Color you would like to have with CSS
.navbar-default .navbar-toggle .icon-bar {
background-color: #fff;
And you can also set the Background Color of the Button.
.navbar-toggle {
background-color: #666;
If you want to Change the Color on Focus, then just adjust the :focus Tag in Bootstrap:
.navbar-toggle:focus {
// set the new color here for focus
.navbar-toggle:focus .icon-bar {
// here for the 3 white Stripes