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SAP Web Intelligence

I am new in SAP Web intelligence and creating new Report.

I need to Compute difference between consecutive Columns.

Suppose I have the following columns in report:

Column 1      Column 2       Column 3       Column 4

I need formula which I can use in variable to compute difference of values between consecutive columns like Column 1 and Column 2, Column 2 and Column 3, Column 3 and Column 4 and so on.

Please assist me.

Thanks & Regards

Gourav Joshi


  • there are different Type of Date Types you have in the Columns

    There are several functions according to DataType U have

    If it is Number data type : int : col1-col2 , col2-col3, col3-col4 use Minus :

    If it date data Type There are Several Functions:
