My message is not arriving at the destination. I'm not getting an error. It does not show up in the journal at the receiving end even though journaling is turned on there. Permissions at destination queue are set to Everyone Full Control. Diagnostics at the destination msmq service show msmq ping is good. Other apps have successfully written to this queue earlier this month. It shows up in my journal on my end (sending end). It is not showing up in dead letter or transactional dead letter at my end or the receiving end. I double checked the queue name. I found no Google hits or other SO questions about this. I searched broadly, for "system.messaging" trouble, or "system.messaging" problem, and some other more specific searches.
In this particular case I am using the ActiveX Formatter.
Public Shared Sub Send(QueuePath As String, Label As String, Body As String, FormatterType As FormatterTypes)
Dim MessageQueue As MessageQueue
Dim MessageQueueTransaction As New MessageQueueTransaction
If MessageQueue.Exists(QueuePath) Then
'creates an instance MessageQueue, which points
'to the already existing MessageQueue
MessageQueue = New MessageQueue(QueuePath)
If Not MessageQueue.CanWrite Then Exit Sub
Throw New ArgumentException(String.Format("Queue does not exist '{0}'", QueuePath), "QueuePath")
End If
Dim Formatter As IMessageFormatter
Select Case FormatterType
Case FormatterTypes.ActiveX
Formatter = New ActiveXMessageFormatter
Case FormatterTypes.Binary
Formatter = New BinaryMessageFormatter
Case FormatterTypes.Xml
Formatter = New XmlMessageFormatter
End Select
Using Message As New Message(Body, Formatter)
Message.Label = Label
Message.AcknowledgeType = AcknowledgeTypes.FullReachQueue
Message.UseJournalQueue = True
Message.UseDeadLetterQueue = True
MessageQueue.Send(Message, MessageQueueTransaction)
End Using
Catch ex As MessageQueueException
End Try
End Sub
The message was there at the receiver, but was no where to be seen in the journal queue.
Purging the journal queue enabled new messages from this app to be seen finally.
The journal was enabled and not limited by size, so I don't know why it was refusing to show new messages. That is a seperate issue I suppose.