I created a Garmin map from my own OSM files (using JOSM and my own GPS records, no input from Openstreetmap). The whole process run well, but I have just a little problem : when I load the final map to Basecamp, the name of this map is empty (blank).
Any idea ?
Here is the code. Before, some variables :
NAME=$(echo ${PREFIX}01)
First, create img files from different layers
for f in $DIR/src/public/*.osm ; do
g=$(basename $f .osm) ;
d=$(dirname $f)
java -Xmx2G -jar $MKGMAP \
--transparent --add-pois-to-areas \
--keep-going --draw-priority=$drawpriority \
--description="[iero] "$g \
--family-name="iero Congo" \
--series-name="iero Congo" \
--mapname=$NAME --family-id=$ID --product-id=$ID \
--country-name=Congo --country-abbr=CG \
--style-file=$DIR/styles --style=iero \
--copyright-message="[iero.org] Congo $DATE" \
--product-version=$VERSION \
--latin1 --output-dir=$DIR/output/imgs/public $f 1> /dev/null;
cp $DIR/output/imgs/public/${NAME}.img $DIR/output/imgs/public/${NAME}.img
let NAME++ ;
let nbfiles++ ;
let drawpriority++ ;
Next, concatenate those files in unique img file
java -jar $MKGMAP --tdbfile --gmapsupp $DIR/output/imgs/public/*.img \
--keep-going \
--style-file=$DIR/styles --style=iero \
--family-name="iero Congo" \
--series-name="iero Congo" \
--description="[iero] Congo map" \
--mapname=$ORIGINALNAME --family-id=${ID_PUBLIC} --product-id=${ID_PUBLIC} \
--copyright-message="[iero.org] Congo $DATE" \
--product-version=$VERSION \
--output-dir=$DIR/output/gps/public 1> /dev/null;
Then, create gmapi files, ready for Basecamp :
python $GMAPIBUILDER -t $DIR/output/gps/public/osmmap.tdb -b $DIR/output/gps/public/osmmap.img -o $DIR/output/basecamp/mac/public $DIR/output/imgs/public/*.img
If you want to see the problem, final files can be downloaded in my website : http://www.iero.org/blog/2014/06/carte-du-congo/
Thanks !
I have done testing and only get the blank names with versions of mkgmap after they introduced the overview map feature. I built a map with r2585 and the name showed correctly.