I have a nested multidimensional array like this:
$array = [
1 => [
['catName' => 'Villes', 'catUrl' => 'villes', 'parent' => 151],
['catName' => 'Administratif', 'catUrl' => 'territoire', 'parent' => 37],
['catName' => 'Gegraphie', 'catUrl' => 'geographie', 'parent' => 0]
I would like to flatten it to a simpler structure, like this:
array (
1 =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'catName' => 'Villes',
'catUrl' => 'villes',
'parent' => 151,
1 =>
array (
'catName' => 'Administratif',
'catUrl' => 'territoire',
'parent' => 37,
2 =>
array (
'catName' => 'Gegraphie',
'catUrl' => 'geographie',
'parent' => 0,
I suppose it would work with some recursive function, but my skills in there are not my best. How can I accomplish this?
It's not pretty, but it works:
$deeparray = array(); // the really nested array goes here
$flattened = array();
function flatten($item,$key)
global $flattened;
if ( $key == 'catName' || $key == 'catUrl' || $key == 'parent' )
if ( sizeof( $flattened) == 0 )
{ $flattened[] = array( $key=>$item ); }
$last = array_pop($flattened);
if ( array_key_exists($key,$last) )
$flattened[] = $last;
$flattened[] = array( $key=>$item );
$last[ $key ] = $item;
$flattened[] = $last;
$flattened = array($flattened);