I am quite new to Rexx, really basic stuff here, I want to get the last element of an array quickly.
Open Object Rexx 4.2.0 for Windows:
say test.[test.0]
==> Output as wanted:
My easy guess is that the Open Object Rexx interpreter is at work. Square brackets can't be used with Rexx on z/OS.
1st stuff that came to my mind (didn't RTFM) :
say test.test.0
say test.(test.0)
==> Output not good:
5 *-* say test.(test.0)
Error 16 running Test.REX line 5: Label not found
Error 16.1: Label "SYNTAX" not found
Is there other usages of square brackets ? Why coming from C/Java/Python I am going for test.test.0 or test.(test.0) like a dummy ?
Can't find more information about square brackets usage in Rexx than this: #Reginald's tail expression
So under z/OS for now I am stuck with:
say test.temp
You have found the answer to your question already.
The only way under mainframe REXX (z/OS, z/VSE, z/VM) is as you coded above:
temp=test.0 say test.temp
The best documentation for understanding what the REXX interpreter is doing can be found in the z/OS TSO/E REXX Reference under Compound Symbols (V2.1 link). It describes why test.test.0 won't work, because of how the interpreter handles the line; in this case, it is looking for a stem test.test.0.
Note that you could code
test.test.0 = 0
and you would have a valid stem test.test.0 (albeit probably useless in most cases).
The next topic in the link discusses stem variables, which also has lots of useful information.
I highly recommend reading both the z/OS TSO/E REXX Reference and the z/OS TSO/E REXX User's Guide (both V2.1 links).