I receive the "java.lang.NullPointerException" error in the following line:
miIdioma=miDao.find(Idioma.class, "playa");
miIdioma is an object from de class "Idioma" which is composed by the atrributes "palabra" and "idioma"
The Dao file is called IIdiomaDao.java and I would like to use its method:
public <T> T find(Class<T> clazz, Serializable id) {
return entityManager.find(clazz, id);
To gain access to this method I declared the variable miDao in the original file
private IIdiomaDao miDao;
Finally, I am using this method to gain access
miIdioma=miDao.find(Idioma.class, "playa");
I understood that this error is shown when a variable is not initialized, but I connected the database to my projects and the database data is supposed to be uploaded. To performed the unitary testing I followed these steps:
I connected the database
public class IdiomaDaoTest {
private static final String JDBC_DRIVER = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
private static final String JDBC_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/diccionario";
private static final String USER = "root";
private static final String PASSWORD = "mypassword";
I imported and red data
public void importDataSet() throws Exception {
IDataSet dataSet = readDataSet();
private IDataSet readDataSet() throws Exception {
return new FlatXmlDataSetBuilder().build(new File("/home/inta/workspace/JPAconPruebasUnitarias/src/test/sources/FlatXmlDataSet.xml"));
private void cleanlyInsert(IDataSet dataSet){
IDatabaseTester databaseTester;
try {
databaseTester = new JdbcDatabaseTester(JDBC_DRIVER, JDBC_URL, USER, PASSWORD);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Note1: Here, I suppose that the database has been uploaded and therefore initialized it.
My question is: Why miDao is pointing Null? What am I doing wrong?
Note2: my dataset is:
<!DOCTYPE dataset SYSTEM "my-dataset.dtd" >
<idioma palabra="playa" idioma="español"/>
<idioma palabra="beach" idioma="ingles"/>
<idioma palabra="platja" idioma="catalan"/>
Thank you very much, this community rocks!
Issue is here.
private IIdiomaDao miDao;// you have declare the miDao
But not initialize it.
Then You will get NullPointerException
miIdioma=miDao.find(Idioma.class, "playa"); // NullPointerException since
// miDao is null
Initialize miDao
to avoid NullPointerException