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What is java-rmi.exe?

In the JDK's bin directory (at least up to Java 8) on MS-Windows, there is the file java-rmi.exe:

30.01.2014  15:28            15.752 java-rmi.exe

On Unix, there is a similar file called java-rmi.cgi, so I suppose these executables have been used to support some (legacy, ancient) CGI interface to RMI (actually, java-rmi.cgi is a simple shell script which launches java).

I found this site where they explain the usage of java-rmi.cgi on Unix, but there is no reference to java-rmi.exe:

So, is java-rmi.exe simply the MS-Windows counterpart of java-rmi.cgi on Unix?


  • Apparently java-rmi.exe is a useless file which should never have shown up in the JDK in the first place:

    There is a discussion on removing it again. Best to do: Ignore its existence.