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How to pass selected Gtk TreeView row to Gtk TreeStore insert function?

I am trying to insert a row into a Gtk.TreeStore, for which I have to pass the selected row number from Gtk.TreeView. I found the solution for PyGTK but not for PyGObject.

For PyGTK the insert function looks like this (

 def insert(parent, position, row=None)

The position can be queried like this:

 treeview = Gtk.TreeView()
 selection = treeview.get_selection()
 model, iter = selection.get_selected()
 path = iter.get_selected_rows()[0]
 index = path.get_indices()[0]

But in PyGObject I get the error:

self.index = self.path.get_indices()[0]
AttributeError: 'LayerDataStore' object has no attribute 'get_indices'

How can I get the integer value of the row number? Am I approaching the problem in a weird way? It seems like the solution should be simpler and have less code.

Further Reading:

This is the description of the insert function in GTK3:

Similar question for PyGTK:

Similar question for C++:


  • Finally figured it out. But I am not sure if there is a simpler solution:

    First call select on the TreeView:

    tree = Gtk.TreeView()
    select = tree.get_selection()

    select is then a Gtk.TreeSelection. We use this object to call get_selected_rows():

    selected_rows = select.get_selected_rows()

    The function returns a tuple of a LayerDataStore and a GtkTreePath when a row is selected. Otherwise the GtkTreePath is an empty list [].

    Then assign the GtkTreePath to a variable:

    path = selected_rows[1]

    Path is now a list of the GtkTreePath or an empty list [] if nothing is selected. You can insert an if-function here to avoid getting any Errors.

    We then have to unpack the list by using:

    row = path[0]

    Now the variable row is a TreePath and the print function will return 0 for the first row, 1 for the second row and so on. For nested trees it will return 0:0 for the first nested object in the first row, 0:1 for the second object in the first row and so on.

    With the get_indices function we can convert the TreePath to a list:

    index = row.get_indices()

    The print function will now print [0] for the first row and [1] for the second. The nested objects are [0,0] for the first object of the first row and [0,1] for the second nested object of the first row.

    Because I am just interested in the row number itself I am using this assignment to get only the row number:

    row_number = index[0]

    Finally the row number is passed to the TreeStore:

    store.insert(None, row_number, [True, "New Layer")])

    Helpful links: