The android material design documentation suggests adding an 8 dp padding at the top and bottom of a list, and I personally like the idea and want to implement it. I am using the new RecyclerView
widget to accomplish the look of a simple list. The problem that I'm having is when I set the attributes: paddingTop
and paddingBottom
of my RecyclerView, the overscroll shadow which appears at the top and bottom of the list now has a padding too (and kind of looks bad and like an error). I've been reading that setting these attributes:
clipToPadding = false
scrollbarStyle = outsideOverlay
should do the trick for me, but it simply doesn't. The overscroll effect still begins with an 8 dp padding at the top and bottom of the screen and it really bugs me out. Am I doing something wrong here, or there is another solution for my problem? Any advice appreciated. Thx
This is a known bug, will be fixed when RecyclerView is released.