I've started to develop a testing application on Scala, I'm newbie in both scala and sikuli. I'm using the latest (based on Kepler) IDE and found that "type" is a keyword there that doesn't allow me to compile my app. When I try to call a sikuli method "type", like:
val s = new Screen
I get following error:
Multiple markers at this line
- identifier expected but 'type' found.
- identifier expected but 'type' found.
Could you advise me how I can handle such situations? I understand that I can create a java class that will be a wrap for such methods and will simply provide renamed methods, or even change the method name in sikuli sources, but I don't think that these are the best solutions.. How can I tell the IDE that type is simply a method name, not a keyword?
Thank you!
Enclose the type
method in backticks like this:
See Need clarification on Scala literal identifiers (backticks) for more information.