In Unix environment, I need to write report to x_out file and also at the end of the process, the file needs to be removed. But, it always throws the following error.
grep: can't open /XYZ/123/Tmp/x_out
rm: /XYZ/123/Tmp/x_out non-existent
But, I can find the file x_out at the corresponding location. I'm able to open and view the contents too. I have found that sometime the file name changes with some '~' like characters appended to it. Is there a way to resolve this?
Edit: I'm not having any '~' appended to it. But, I have a doubt may be some unreadable chatacters like that have been appended.
Edit:I have added the actual error here
Edit: the command I used grep "Report_values" ${REPORTOUT}|cut -d "|" -f 6
Well, there are two possibilities I can see off the top of my head. There are undoubtedly more but the top of my head isn't a very big space :-)
The first is that the file doesn't exist despite your assertions.
The second is that it does exist but you're looking for it in the wrong place (for example, you've changed into a different directory).
If you place a line similar to:
( pwd ; cd ../.. ; pwd ; ls )
in your script before the grep/rm
, it should tell you if either of those two possibilities is correct.
It will give your current directory, the directory you're looking in for the file and the files in that directory.