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First time setting up Ghost blog on Amazon Ec2 various noob questions

Ok so here's some quick info about my setup:

-Amazon Ec2 instance with an elastic IP associated to it
- Latest versions of node and Ghost
- Using Windows 8 with Putty
- Domain from Namecheap

So I installed ghost and node on my Amazon EC2 instance using this guide:

Everything went well(I think). Just at the part where I have to change the IP addresses I'm not sure I did everything correctly. Do I have to change every IP address I see? I found a lot of adresses that I went ahead and changed to my private IP from AWS. I also changed the link to my domain.
The problem I've run into now is the last step: So, type npm install forever -g and once that's done you can start the server by typing NODE_ENV=production forever start index.js, and you can close the SSH window.

I seem to get quite a few error messages when I type in npm install forever -g so I don't even move on. But when I type in npm start everything seems to be ok.

Now my other problem is with my domain. I bought it on namecheap and read online I need to change the A record to point to my elastic IP. I've done that for the A www and @ record. Is there anything else I need to do?

When I go on my domain it shows up as this page cannot be displayed. So something must have gone wrong along the way. Can anybody help a noob out?


  • Can you post the output when you run npm install forever -g?

    You only have to change the IP address in the production section.

    Is there a particular reason you want to use Forever? If the only reason is because of the tutorial you linked to checkout out my post on running Ghost with pm2.

    Lastly, if you do not want to do the setup to get Ghost running on an EC2 instance you can use our AWS AMI. The AMI has everything pre installed and running so you just have to launch it.