so i have a hash of an hash that looks something like this:
my %hash = (
'fruits' => {
'apple' => 34,
'orange' => 30,
'pear' => 45,
'chocolates' => {
'snickers' => 35,
'lindt' => 20,
'mars' => 15,
I want to access only the fruit which is max in number and chocolate which is max in number. the output should look like:
fruits: pear chocolates : snickers
foreach my $item (keys %hash){
#print "$item:\t"; # this is the object name
foreach my $iteminitem (keys %{$hash{$item}})
my $longestvalue = (sort {$a<=>$b} values %{$hash{$item}})[-1]; #this stores the longest value
print "the chocolate/fruit corresponding to the longestvalue" ;
#iteminitem will be chocolate/fruit name
print "\n";
I know it is not difficult but I am blanking out!
The following sorts the keys of each hashref by descending value, so the max is the first element returned:
my %hash = (
chocolates => { lindt => 20, mars => 15, snickers => 35 },
fruits => { apple => 34, orange => 30, pear => 45 },
while (my ($key, $hashref) = each %hash) {
my ($max) = sort {$hashref->{$b} <=> $hashref->{$a}} keys %$hashref;
print "$key: $max\n";
fruits: pear
chocolates: snickers