i'm a completely new in Drupal. I'm building a website that in the home page has the typical 3 blocks on the button where you can click and go to some specific page or article.
I create that as Block and I even create that with Nodeblock, they are displayed in the right place and with the right text and images but what I can't make it work is make them be a big link, linked to their article or page, so when user will click it will be directly redirected to the main page.
Something like: Block: discover
<div><a href="lastoffer.html">Discover more about our last offer </a></div>
How can I do that? I can't find anything close on the web...
Without seeing your site it's hard to say what the best course of action is, however I would suggest using the Views Module.
You could create a block with views and output any field as a link. In the Views UI you can set the url to link to any piece of content above it, using a token value. If you want to link to an item that is not visible, you can hide that field by selecting the "exclude from display" option in that field's settings.
You can also always use css to expand the size of the anchor tag to encompass the entire div.
Here is a tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3L9JLZOb_LQ