I have a factory that has multiple services for querying a custom API I built. The callbacks all work, but I'm wondering how I can have any error handling while fetching.
.factory('customApiService', function ($resource) {
return {
yelp: function (businessId, callback) {
var api = $resource('../../api/Yelp/:businessId', {
businessId: businessId
}, {
fetch: 'JSONP',
'query': { isArray: false }
api.fetch(function (response) {
tripAdvisor: function (hotelId, callback) {
var api = $resource('../../api/TripAdvisor/:hotelId', {
hotelId: hotelId
}, {
fetch: 'JSONP',
'query': { isArray: false }
api.fetch(function (response) {
And an example of using this factory in a controller:
.controller('yelpCtrl', [
'$scope', 'customApiService', function ($scope, customApiService) {
customApiService.yelp("yelpIdHere", function (d) {
//On successful callback run code
customApiService.tripAdvisor("tripAdvisorIdHere", function (d) {
//On successful callback run code
Currently if there is any bad response (404, 500, 504, etc), the callback is not fired.
Had to change my Factory to return an errorCallback as well as a successful callback:
.factory('customApiService', function ($resource) {
return {
yelp: function (businessId, callback, errorCallback) {
var api = $resource('../../api/Yelp/:businessId', {
businessId: businessId
}, {
fetch: 'JSONP',
'query': { isArray: false }
api.query(function (response) {
function (error) {
tripAdvisor: function (hotelId, callback, errorCallback) {
var api = $resource('../../api/TripAdvisor/:hotelId', {
hotelId: hotelId
}, {
fetch: 'JSONP',
'query': { isArray: false }
api.query(function (response) {
function (error) {
So now in the controller, I have a second function as a parameter to my factory calls which will handle any errors:
.controller('yelpCtrl', [
'$scope', 'customApiService', function ($scope, customApiService) {
customApiService.yelp("yelpIdHere", function (d) {
//On successful callback run code
//Do error handling here
customApiService.tripAdvisor("tripAdvisorIdHere", function (d) {
//On successful callback run code
//Do error handling here
This answer seemed to help