Im am trying to write a .net class that transforms a piece of xml to a AX UtcDateTime type. The class is used in an inbound transformation.
Original xml:
My resulting xml leads to an exeption in the exeptionlog:
"The value '2014-06-12T12:52:00+02:00' is not a valid UtcDateTime type."
I think AIF expect the Z at the end of the value, and I am not sure if the localDateTime is mandatory and or if the milliseconds are a requirement.
I would like to know how the UtcDateTime field in transformed xml should be formatted to be accepted by AIF.
Like so:
<MessageHeaderDateTime localDateTime="2014-06-12T10:52:00+02:00">2014-06-12T08:52:00Z</MessageHeaderDateTime>
or like so:
<MessageHeaderDateTime localDateTime="2014-06-12T10:52:00.1108723+02:00">2014-06-12T08:52:00.1108723Z</MessageHeaderDateTime>
or are other things missing?
My Code
DateTime netdttm = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, DateTimeKind.Utc);
TimeSpan timespan = new TimeSpan(zhour, zminute, 0);
DateTime netdttmoffset = netdttm.Subtract(timespan);
datetime.Value = netdttmoffset;
datetime.localDateTime = netdttmoffset.ToLocalTime();
datetime.localDateTimeSpecified = true;
I use a similar appraoch for the case where I use utcnow.
Problem i that I have limited testing possibilities due to hot-swapping being disbled in the environment where I have to develop my code. So I would like to be certainin about the formatting.
Thanx for your help.
I finally got it to work. My solution:
//declare the AX utcdatetime type from the cs class generate with:
//xsd C:\...\SharedTypes.xsd C:\..\AIFschema.xsd /Classes /Out:C:\location\of\csfile\
AxType_DateTime datetime = new AxType_DateTime();
//Ax store the time in GMT with an optional local time. My XML can have any timezone.
datetime.timezone = AxdEnum_Timezone.GMT_COORDINATEDUNIVERSALTIME;
//I set this to false as i am not interested in actually storing the local time. Plus AX fails over the formatting .net returns.
datetime.timezoneSpecified = false;
//{... left out code to retrieve the hours, minutes etc from my XML}
//declare the .net datetime variable with the values from the xml:
DateTime netdttm = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, DateTimeKind.Utc);
DateTime netdttmoffset = new DateTime();
// (optional field) <zone>+01:00</zone>
if (message.Header.DateTime.Zone != null)
{... left out code to retrive zone offset info from xml}
TimeSpan timespan = new TimeSpan(zhour, zminute, 0);
netdttmoffset = netdttm.Subtract(timespan);
else //no zone, so datetime == GMT datetime.
netdttmoffset = netdttm;
datetime.Value = netdttmoffset;
datetime.localDateTime = netdttmoffset.ToLocalTime();
//do not output to xml, or AX will fail over this.
datetime.localDateTimeSpecified = false;
Result xml snippet as accepted by AX: