Paraview (v4.1.0 64-bit, OSX 10.9.2) is giving me the following error:
Generic Warning: In /Users/kitware/Dashboards/MyTests/NightlyMaster/ParaViewSuperbuild-Release/paraview/src/paraview/VTK/IO/Legacy/vtkDataReader.cxx, line 1388 Error reading ascii data. Possible mismatch of datasize with declaration.
I'm not sure why. I've double-checked that fields are all of the expected lengths, and none of the values are NaN, inf, or otherwise extremely large. The issue starts with the output from timestep 16 (0-15 produces no error). Graphically, steps 0-15 produce plots of my data as expected; step 16 shows the "Y/Yc" series having an unexpectedly large point (0.5625, 2.86616e+36).
Is fine:
Produces error:
I have been facing the same problem for the last 6 months and been struggling to find a solution. I was given the following reasons to explain the error(
I have viewed other forums, and they have generally stated #2 and #3 and the possible solutions -- it has in general worked. However, none of the above seemed to solve my problem.
I noticed that some of the stored solution values in the ASCII files were as small as 10.e-34. I had a feeling that the underflow conditions maybe be triggering problems. I put a check in my code for underflow conditions and rounded them off to 0. This fixed the issue, with the solution being displayed at all times without error messages.