If I have the following interface member function:
virtual bool print_string(const char* data) = 0;
with the following mock
MOCK_METHOD1(print_string, bool(const char * data));
Is it possible to capture the string that is passed to print_string()?
I tried to:
char out_string[20]; //
SaveArg<0>(out_string); // this saves the first char of the sting
this saves the first char of the sting but not the whole string.
struct Foo {
virtual bool print_string(const char* data) = 0;
struct FooMock {
MOCK_METHOD1(print_string, bool(const char * data));
struct StrArg {
bool print_string(const char* data) {
arg = data;
return true;
string arg;
TEST(FooTest, first) {
FooMock f;
StrArg out_string;
EXPECT_CALL(f, print_string(_))
.WillOnce(Invoke(&out_string, &StrArg::print_string));
EXPECT_EQ(string("foo"), out_string.arg);
You can always use Invoke to capture parameter value in structure.