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MagnificPopup not working on first click using on()

I have delegated to $(document) a click method for a dynamically-added element with a class of .popup-youtube. the only thing is, i just can't get the popup to work properly.

Here's my script:

$(this).on("click", ".popup-youtube", function(e){

        // prevent default action

            type: 'iframe',
            iframe: {
                markup: '<div class="mfp-iframe-scaler">'+
                    '<div class="mfp-close"></div>'+
                    '<iframe class="mfp-iframe" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'+
                    '</div>', // HTML markup of popup, `mfp-close` will be replaced by the close button
                patterns: {
                    youtube: {
                        index: '', // String that detects type of video (in this case YouTube). Simply via url.indexOf(index).
                        id: 'v=', // String that splits URL in a two parts, second part should be %id%
                        // Or null - full URL will be returned
                        // Or a function that should return %id%, for example:
                        // id: function(url) { return 'parsed id'; }
                        src: '//' // URL that will be set as a source for iframe.
                    vimeo: {
                        index: '',
                        id: '/',
                        src: '//'
                    gmaps: {
                        index: '//',
                        src: '%id%&output=embed'
                srcAction: 'iframe_src'

Anyone have any tips on this? your help would gladly be appreciated.


  • Try this - chaining the open method after you are initialising the popup

    $(document).on("click", ".popup-youtube", function(e){
            // prevent default action
                type: 'iframe',
                iframe: {
                    markup: '<div class="mfp-iframe-scaler">'+
                        '<div class="mfp-close"></div>'+
                        '<iframe class="mfp-iframe" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'+
                        '</div>', // HTML markup of popup, `mfp-close` will be replaced by the close button
                    patterns: {
                        youtube: {
                            index: '', // String that detects type of video (in this case YouTube). Simply via url.indexOf(index).
                            id: 'v=', // String that splits URL in a two parts, second part should be %id%
                            // Or null - full URL will be returned
                            // Or a function that should return %id%, for example:
                            // id: function(url) { return 'parsed id'; }
                            src: '//' // URL that will be set as a source for iframe.
                        vimeo: {
                            index: '',
                            id: '/',
                            src: '//'
                        gmaps: {
                            index: '//',
                            src: '%id%&output=embed'
                    srcAction: 'iframe_src'