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Is there an equivalent to Elasticsearch index aliases in Solr + Sunspot?

With ElasticSearch, an app can point to the alias of an index, instead of the index directly, which makes it easy to switch the index the app uses.

Tire, the equivalent of Sunspot for ES, allows me to interact with aliases.

I can't find anything regarding aliases with Sunspot. How do you handle them in your apps which use Sunspot?


  • I do not know anything about sunspot, but for Solr counts that there has been a core alias feature, until version 3.1 of Solr. This has been removed with SOLR-1637 and has been "really, really" removed with SOLR-6169 in version 4.9.

    But with the advent of SolrCloud this feature has been re-introduced with a better/different implementation SOLR-4497 in Solr 4.2.

    Unfortunately when skimming through the Reference of Sunspost I do not find a word about SolrCloud or aliasing. Probably that features have not been adopted by the Sunspot developers? As stated I do not know sunspot, probably they name it differently?

    Most likely you will have to get your hands dirty and manage SolrCloud and in consequence aliases not through the API sunspot offers, but with admin interface of Solr.

    Sources of information