I'm trying to add to my grid the RowExpander
Seems everything was going great with just one row, but when adding a second row the following rows are indented.
I have created a Sencha Fiddle: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/87d
I'm doing it exactly as Sencha Examples, maybe because I have a datetime column first I get that issue.
Any help is welcome.
You can't specify your component widget.dailytimesummary
and then only add a plugin to it when you instantiate it or it won't get initialized as desired.
Instead, your plugin should be a part of the initial definition of your widget:
See your corrected jsfiddle here: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/87m
enableColumnHide: false,
enableColumnMove: false,
// this needs to be configured with the initial component
plugins: [{
ptype: 'rowexpander',
rowBodyTpl: ['{Date}']
selModel: {
enableKeyNav: false