Here I have a part of my code. There are 2 simple structures which are later used in the .cpp Send() method.
//In the header file I have
#define P32 (unsigned int)
#define P16 (unsigned short)
#define P8 (unsigned char)
struct nd {
P8 p;
P8 c;
P16 l;
struct HELLO {
P32 a1;
P32 a2;
P8 a3;
//In the .cpp I have
void Send()
DWORD dw = nd_s + sizeof( HELLO);
BYTE *HelloPac=new BYTE[dw];
nd *HelloHr=(nd*)HelloPac;
HELLO* _Hello=(HELLO*)(HelloPac+nd_s);
//my own read write function
streamReadWrite->Write(HelloPac, dw);
I am writing the same code in Java (porting the code). I am confused since I haven't done much coding in Java and since Java has no pointers no structures no unsigned integers, I am not getting how the syntax will be for the above code. Here's what I have got, but t throws syntax errors:
public class abc {
private static final int nd_s = 4; //hard-coded
public class nd
public byte p;
public byte c;
public short l;
public class HELLO
public int a1;
public int a2;
public byte a3;
private void Send()
int dw = nd_s + 30;
byte[] HelloPac = new byte[dw];
nd HelloHr = (nd)HelloPac;
HELLO _Hello = (HELLO)(HelloPac + nd_s);
Where am I going wrong in typecasting?
A reference to a particular object acts as a pointer to that object in Java but it does not support pointer arithmetic unlike C/C++.
HELLO hello1 = new HELLO();
//Put values
hello1.a1 = 5
//You should not use public variables, make them private and use getter/setter
HELLO hello2 = new HELLO();
//Put values
hello2.a1 = 15
Here hello1 and hello2 are references to objects of type HELLO that we created.
If you want to store references to all HELLO objects in a sequential order, you can store them in an Array of type HELLO.
HELLO[] helloArray = new HELLO[10];
helloArray [0] = hello1;
helloArray [1] = hello2;
You can browse the objects by iterating over the array.
Or you could use linked list .
public class HELLO
HELLO nextHallo; // Store reference to next hello object.
public int a1;
public int a2;
public byte a3;
HELLO hello1 = new HELLO();
hello1.a1 = 5 (Ideally you should not have public variables)
HELLO hello2 = new HELLO();
hello2.a1 = 15
hello1.nextHallo = hello2;
To browse all hello objects in the linked list -
HELLO helloReference = hello1; //Reference to first object
helloReference = helloReference.nextHallo ;
Update for OP's question about how to create an instance of nd that gets initialized by the values of HelloPac:
byte[] HelloPac = new byte[dw];
nd instance = new nd();
//HelloPac[0] is first byte
nd.p=HelloPac[0]; // Ideally should be done inside constructor of nd
nd.c = HelloPac[1]; //2nd byte
nd.l is a short which is of size 2 bytes so we need to combine 2 bytes HelloPac[2] & HelloPac[3] to obtain short value and assign to nd.l.
This can be done in following ways - 2 bytes to short java or Convert from 2 or 4 bytes to signed/unsigned short/int
Note : Normally we would use inbuilt collections like ArrayList and LinkedList to represent same in java. And code snippets provided my here do not adhere to preferred java coding standards.