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timeout while making RPC Call form C# to C++/CLI

public ref class RequestMessage
    Int32 Number1;
    Int32 Number2;

// Response message declared as managed class.
public ref class ResponseMessage
    Int32 Result;

void OnMessageReceived(System::Object ^sender, TypedRequestReceivedEventArgs<RequestMessage^> ^e);
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
    ISerializer ^aSerializer = gcnew ProtoBufSerializer();
    IDuplexTypedMessagesFactory ^aReceiverFactory = gcnew DuplexTypedMessagesFactory(aSerializer);
    IDuplexTypedMessageReceiver<ResponseMessage^, RequestMessage^> ^aReceiver =aReceiverFactory->CreateDuplexTypedMessageReceiver<ResponseMessage^, RequestMessage^>();
    aReceiver->MessageReceived +=    gcnew System::EventHandler<Eneter::Messaging::EndPoints::TypedMessages::TypedRequestReceivedEventArgs<RequestMessage ^> ^>(&OnMessageReceived);
    IMessagingSystemFactory ^aMessaging = gcnew TcpMessagingSystemFactory();
    IDuplexInputChannel ^anInputChannel =aMessaging->CreateDuplexInputChannel("tcp://");
    Console::WriteLine("The calculator service is running. Press ENTER to stop.");

    return 0;

void OnMessageReceived(System::Object ^sender,TypedRequestReceivedEventArgs<RequestMessage ^> ^e)
    ResponseMessage ^aResponseMessage = gcnew ResponseMessage();
    aResponseMessage->Result = e->RequestMessage->Number1 + e->RequestMessage->Number2;

    Console::WriteLine("{0} + {1} = {2}", e->RequestMessage->Number1, e->RequestMessage->Number2, aResponseMessage->Result);

    // Send back the response message.
    IDuplexTypedMessageReceiver<ResponseMessage^, RequestMessage^> ^aReceiver = (IDuplexTypedMessageReceiver<ResponseMessage^, RequestMessage^>^)sender;
    aReceiver->SendResponseMessage(e->ResponseReceiverId, aResponseMessage);


Above code is the server code for the RPC using Protocol Buffer but every but client is not able get any response from server same code is working in C# but it is not working with C++...I think that we can write a code equiant to C# code in C++/CLI.But this code is not working i client is working fine with the C# code. I noticed that there OnMessageRecived() function is not getting called.

Here is the example for the native C++ and C# server code but i want to do it with pure managed C++

Any body can tell me whats going on...How can i resolve the problem.


  • I am not 100% sure but I think the problem in your case could be missing attribute [ProtoContract] on declarations of RequestMessage and ResponseMessage.

    E.g. on service side:

        public ref class RequestMessage
            Int32 Number1;
            Int32 Number2;

    and then on the client side:

        public class RequestMessage
            public int Number1 { get; set; }
            public int Number2 { get; set; }