On my WordPress website I use this code in my theme's functions.php file to send automatic email to users when their role has been changed. The roles are updated manually by the administrator.
function user_role_update( $user_id, $new_role ) {
$site_url = get_bloginfo('wpurl');
$user_info = get_userdata( $user_id );
$to = $user_info->user_email;
$subject = "Role changed: ".$site_url."";
$message = "Hello " .$user_info->display_name . " your role has changed on ".$site_url.", congratulations you are now an " . $new_role;
wp_mail($to, $subject, $message);
add_action( 'set_user_role', 'user_role_update', 10, 2);
This piece of code works fine, apart from one thing - new users also receive email notifications about the role change upon registration! It's very confusing.
Is there a way to avoid sending this email to new users?
You can retrieve the time that the user object was created by inspecting $user_info->user_registered
So you could wrap at least the wp_mail
line of your code in an if block like this to suppress notifications to newly registered users:
if ( strtotime ( $user_info->user_registered) < strtotime ('-30 minutes') ) {
//send email