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How to change the mode dynamically in codemirror on encounter of a particular expression?

In the textarea whenever '<' is encountered the mode should be html and for '<#' or '<@' or '$', the mode should be ftl. In the code that I have written

function determineCodeMirrorType(cm) {
  if (cm.getOption('mode') == 'text/ftl') {
    checkAndSwitchToHTML(cm, cm.getValue());
  } else if (cm.getOption('mode') == 'text/html') {
    checkAndSwitchToFTL(cm, cm.getValue());

function checkAndSwitchToHTML(cm, val) {
  if (/^\s*</.test(val)) {
    cm.setOption("mode", "text/html");

function checkAndSwitchToFTL(cm, val) {
  if (/[<#|<@|$]/.test(val)) {
    cm.setOption("mode", "text/ftl");

function buildCMInstance(mode, value) {
  var cm = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
      determineCodeMirrorType(cmInstance); //The call to this function is not made.
  return cm;

  var cm = buildCMInstance("text/ftl")

I want to know is there any option that can be initiated which allows the code to change dynamically by making a call to the function "determineCodeMirrorType".


  • onChange does not exist in recent CodeMirror versions. You have to register the event handler by calling cm.on("change", function(cm, change) { .... }).