I'm trying to buildout in isolated enviroment and I got this error:
ValueError: bad marshal data (unknown type code)
An error occurred when trying to install djangorestframework-csv 1.3.3. Look above this message for any errors that were output by easy_install.
Installing django.
Getting distribution for 'djangorestframework-csv'.
Error: Couldn't install: djangorestframework-csv 1.3.3
make: *** [bin/django] Error 1
I tried googling and found that this exact same issue was reported 5 days ago:
This error also occurs when you try to
easy_install djangorestframework-csv==1.3.3
After a little bit more googling I found out that this error happens when there are errornous .pyc files.
This guy who reported the issue says that he solved this error by removing pycache. I tried searching pycache and removing all folders called __pycache__
however it didn't help. Any ideas how to solve this ?
Whomever created the distribution accidentally included the __pycache__
directory in the tarball.
If you are using the download-cache
option in your buildout, you can fix this by opening the downloaded djangorestframework-csv-1.3.3.tar.gz
file and deleting the offending directory.
Find the file in your ${buildout:download-cache}/dist
directory, and repackage it without the offending directory:
tar xzvf djangorestframework-csv-1.3.3.tar.gz
rm -rf djangorestframework-csv-1.3.3/rest_framework_csv/__pycache__/
tar czvf djangorestframework-csv-1.3.3.tar.gz djangorestframework-csv-1.3.3
Now run your buildout again, and it'll use the fixed cached file.
Unfortunately, we cannot use find-links
here to point to the fixed distribution as it'll only be used when the index
(e.g. PyPI by default) does not have the package as well.