I am sending emails with the mail
gem, using the very simple code below. When I'm sending an email, the smtp_account.user_name
and the smtp_account.from
could be e.g. support@thebestcompany.com
. This causes the recipient to see that he has received an email from support
(you know, in his inbox where he can get an overview of his last x emails). How can I specify this, so the recipient gets to see something more interesting, like e.g. The Best Company
require 'mail'
class SmtpMails
def self.send_mails(smtp_account, to, subject, text)
options = {
:address => smtp_account.address,
:port => smtp_account.port,
:domain => smtp_account.domain,
:user_name => smtp_account.user_name,
:password => smtp_account.password,
:authentication => smtp_account.authentication,
:enable_starttls_auto => smtp_account.enable_starttls_auto
Mail.defaults do
elivery_method :smtp, options
mail = Mail.deliver do
to to
from smtp_account.from
subject subject
You'll need to add some additional information when specifying the sender of the email. The following code snippet should do what you want:
mail = Mail.deliver do
to to
from "The Best Company <#{smtp_account.from}>"
subject subject
Putting the email address between the <
and >
brackets is the standard practice for adding a friendly name for the email being sent.