Im currently using ExtJs5 MVVM architecture and I require "sencha-chart" than "ext-chart" on the app.json file, Charts works fine but adding tooltip on the bar series im using doesn't work. No error logs.
I also check their example on sencha chart kitchensink (which chart tooltip is working) found out that they require "ext-chart" for that. My code for bar series with tooltip config:
series: [{
type: 'bar',
xField: 'name',
yField: ['data1'],
style: {
opacity: 0.80
highlight: {
fill: '#000',
'stroke-width': 20,
stroke: '#fff'
tips: {
trackMouse: true,
style: 'background: #FFF',
height: 20,
renderer: function(storeItem, item) {
this.setTitle(storeItem.get('name') + ': ' + storeItem.get('data1') + '%');
Is there something wrong with my codes?
Your code needs one small change "tips" for EXTjs 5 becomes "tooltip."
tooltip: {
trackMouse: true,
style: 'background: #FFF',
height: 20,
renderer: function(storeItem, item) {
this.setTitle(storeItem.get('name') + ': ' + storeItem.get('data1') + '%');
However, there are a lot of bugs with the EXTjs 5 charts. I had this same issue, and submitted a bug to Sencha: