I'm trying to conver this JSON to a model:
"status": "Top-up done",
"amount": "25.00",
"amount_ex_vat": "20.66",
"executed_on": "2014-07-28 20:21:33",
"method": "Bancontact/Mister Cash",
"payment_received_on": "2014-07-28 20:21:29"
"status": "Top-up done",
"amount": "15.00",
"amount_ex_vat": "12.40",
"executed_on": "2014-05-26 19:41:36",
"method": "PayPal",
"payment_received_on": "2014-05-26 19:41:31"
"status": "Top-up done",
"amount": "10.00",
"amount_ex_vat": "8.26",
"executed_on": "2014-02-26 20:43:39",
"method": "PayPal",
"payment_received_on": "2014-02-26 20:43:35"
"status": "Top-up done",
"amount": "15.00",
"amount_ex_vat": "12.40",
"executed_on": "2014-01-18 12:43:09",
"method": "PayPal",
"payment_received_on": "2014-01-18 12:43:06"
This is my class:
@interface TopupHistory : MTLModel
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString * amount;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString * executed_on;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString * method;
@implementation TopupHistory
(NSDictionary *)JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey { return @{ @"amount": @"amount", @"executed_on": @"executed_on", @"method": @"method", }; } @end
Thought if I named the vars exactly the same it wouldn't be necessary to implement JSONKeyPath but I did.
And this is my method to convert:
-(void) convertFrom:(id) responseObject toModel:(Class) model resultBlock: (NetworkBlock)resultBlock
NSError * didFail;
id result = [MTLJSONAdapter modelOfClass:model fromJSONDictionary:responseObject error:&didFail];
if (!didFail) {
NSLog(@"Couldn't convert app infos JSON to model: %@", didFail);
where model is my classname and responseObject is just a id object I filled with AFNetworking.
I'm always getting this error:
Domain=MTLJSONAdapterErrorDomain Code=3 "Missing JSON dictionary" UserInfo=0x913a690 {NSLocalizedFailureReason=TopupHistory could not be created because an invalid JSON dictionary was provided: __NSCFArray, NSLocalizedDescription=Missing JSON dictionary}
2014-07-29 13:11:55.780 test Info[10953:60b] Missing JSON dictionary
You response is an array of dictionaries, so you should use the MTLJSONAdapter method modelsOfClass:fromJSONArray:error: to convert them to an array of Mantle models.
Your code should be changed as below:
-(void) convertFrom:(id) responseObject toModel:(Class) model resultBlock: (NetworkBlock)resultBlock
NSError * didFail;
id result = [MTLJSONAdapter modelsOfClass:model fromJSONArray:responseObject error:&didFail];