I have been experimenting with ui-router
and I ran into a bit of a quirk. I am unable to populate a view underneath an abstract state. It appears that while the state is active, the view is not found
Here is an example :
the state provider :
.state('search', {
abstract: true,
url: '',
views: {
'@': {
templateUrl: 'app/views/layout.html',
'full-page@search': {
templateUrl : 'app/views/search/search.html',
// Search list view
.state('search.list', {
url: '/search/users',
views: {
'content-container@search' : {
templateUrl : 'app/views/search/user.list.html',
controller : 'SearchResults',
// Search view of one users's details
.state('search.user', {
abstract : true,
url: '/search/usr/{userId}',
views: {
'content-container@search' : {
templateUrl: 'app/views/user/user.detail.html',
controller : 'UserController',
// View of the user's details
.state('search.user.view', {
url : '',
views: {
'left-column@search' : {
templateUrl : 'app/views/user/user.detail.view.html',
controller : 'UserEditController',
index.html :
<div ui-view></div>
layout.html :
<div ui-view='full-page'></div>
search.html :
<div ui-view='content-container'></div>
user.list.html :
<li ng-repeat="user in users">
<a ui-sref='search.user.view({userId : user.userId})'></a>
user.detail.html :
<div ng-view="left-column"></div>
<div ng-view='right-column'></div>
user.detail.view.html :
<div> User information </div>
I page state flow that I am trying to get is :
1) initial site loading of search.list (which bubbles up to
into the default ui-view in index.html via the '@' view' search.html
is loaded via the "full-page" view in layout.html, then user.list.html
is loaded via the content-container@search
view in the search.list state. This is working fine and dandy2) clicking on the list created in user.list.html
loads search.user.view which should? bubble back to search.user,
view of search.html, then (this works)ui-view='left-column'
div of user.detail.html. (this does not work, "left-column" view is left empty.)I originally thought this code performs the same pattern of abstract state ui-view population twice (once for the user.list, the other for user.detail.view) however, it appears this is not the case. It seems as though the "left-column"
view is searched before the content-container is populated
I'm new to the ui-router so I may have a misconception of the sequence of how abstract states populate or the intended use of abstract states.
You are almost there - here is a working plunker. The changes I made
not the ng-view but ui-view
//<div ng-view="left-column"></div>
//<div ng-view='right-column'></div>
<div ui-view="left-column"></div>
<div ui-view='right-column'></div>
the part after @
delimiter must be the name of a state holding that ui-view - which is not search but search.user
. As I show on right-column
below - if this is in fact parent... we can skip it (will be done for us behind the scene)
.state('search.user.view', {
url : '',
views: {
// 'left-column@search' : {
'left-column@search.user' : {
'right-column@' : {
Check the working example here