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GetRawInputDeviceList fails with error 87 (Incorrect parameters)

I am having a problem calling Raw Input functions for my 64 bit application that worked fine before I switched from 32 bit. I have no idea what the sizes of the parameters need to be or why they changed when I switched the bit size. Specifically the first call I make to the API is GetRawInputDeviceList which fails with error code 87. I would like to get this working in 64 bit but I have tried everything (type casting pointers etc) without success.

It is very similar to this problem:

EDIT: Code from my project

function Get_Device_List(
  List  : in Address; -- Assume 8 byte pointer
  Count : in Address; -- Assume 8 byte pointer
  Size  : in Integer_4_Unsigned_C) -- Assume 4 byte integer
  return Integer_4_Unsigned_C;
pragma Import(Stdcall, Get_Device_List, "GetRawInputDeviceList");
Assert(Get_Device_List( -- works for 32 bit applications
  List  => NULL_ADDRESS,
  Count => Number_Of_X'address,
  Size  => Record_Device_List_Element'size / Byte'size) /= -1);


  • Here's an extremely simple working example, which shows the size and layout of the structure on x64 Windows.

    C:\Users\Ben\Documents\SO>type rawinputdevicelist.cpp
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(void)
        UINT nDevices;
        PRAWINPUTDEVICELIST pRawInputDeviceList;
        auto retval = GetRawInputDeviceList(NULL, &nDevices, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST));
        auto errval = GetLastError();
        printf("sizeof (RAWINPUTDEVICELIST) is %d\n", (int)sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST));
        printf("offsetof (RAWINPUTDEVICELIST::hDevice) is %d\n", (char*)(&pRawInputDeviceList->hDevice) - (char*)pRawInputDeviceList);
        printf("sizeof (RAWINPUTDEVICELIST::hDevice) is %d\n", (int)(sizeof pRawInputDeviceList->hDevice));
        printf("offsetof (RAWINPUTDEVICELIST::dwType) is %d\n", (char*)(&pRawInputDeviceList->dwType) - (char*)pRawInputDeviceList);
        printf("sizeof (RAWINPUTDEVICELIST::dwType) is %d\n", (int)(sizeof pRawInputDeviceList->dwType));
        printf("\nGetRawInputDeviceList() returned %d\n", (int)retval);
        printf("GetLastError() returned %d\n", (int)errval);
        printf("nDevices = %u\n", (unsigned int)nDevices);
        return 0;
    C:\Users\Ben\Documents\SO>cl rawinputdevicelist.cpp user32.lib
    Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 18.00.30501 for x64
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 12.00.30501.0
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    sizeof (RAWINPUTDEVICELIST) is 16
    offsetof (RAWINPUTDEVICELIST::hDevice) is 0
    sizeof (RAWINPUTDEVICELIST::hDevice) is 8
    offsetof (RAWINPUTDEVICELIST::dwType) is 8
    sizeof (RAWINPUTDEVICELIST::dwType) is 4
    GetRawInputDeviceList() returned 0
    GetLastError() returned 0
    nDevices = 9