I have been searching for almost a week now, but I can't seem to solve my simple problem. I want to get all the name and text properties of all the forms in my project.
Here is my code:
using System.Reflection;
Type Myforms = typeof(Form);
foreach (Type formtype in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes())
if (Myforms.IsAssignableFrom(formtype))
MessageBox.Show(formtype.Name.ToString()); // shows all name of form
MessageBox.Show(formtype.GetProperty("Text").GetValue(type,null).ToString()); // it shows null exception
I need the name and the .Text
of the form to store it in the database to control user privileges.
shows exception because you need an instance of Form
to get its Text
property as Form does not static Text property.
To get the default Text property create a instance
var frm = (Form)Activator.CreateInstance(formtype);
MessageBox.Show(formtype.GetProperty("Text").GetValue(frm, null).ToString());