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python social auth unregistered domain

I am having difficulty using python-social-auth's implementation with Google.

The error I am receiving is 400: OpenID auth request contains an unregistered domain.

I have checked and rechecked and asked another developer to check the credentials for the project in the Google developers' console, and it all looks good.

I have used python-social-auth successfully in a past Django project, but this time around a solution to this escapes me.

The only differences (as far as I can tell) between this project and the last are:

  1. This site is currently a subdomain (
  2. It is behind a Linode load balancer - the two application servers respond on static IPs to the balancer, nginx is configured for the doamin/subdomain, and my DNS records have been updated.

I am aware that Google is in the process of deprecating OpenID, but by settings are configured to use OAuth2:

    # custom password checker - migrating from old rails site, want to preserve old passwords



Is there something that I missed, or something that I failed to configure?


  • I completely overhauled my auth to make this work. It required no tweaks or forks or anything else of the sort. The issue is with Google and not python-social-auth. However, the docs need to be updated for the project to reflect the changes in Google and portray a recommended/tested strategy.


    The solution is in python-social-auth's issues under google+.

    1. In the Google Developer Apps Console, make sure your have your project registered.
    2. Under APIs, ensure your have Google+ activated.
    3. Under Credentials, generate a new client id...
    4. Ensure your domain/subdomain/port are all correct under the origin...
    5. Ensure the callback/redirect uri is the same as the origin, plus /complete/google-oauth2/.
    6. In your project's urls, make sure that you have social auth set up correctly.
    7. Wherever you are putting the link in your templates, make sure you are using {% url 'social:begin' 'google-oauth2' %}

    That should take care of it.


    ... can't post images, lack of cred... imgur links ahoy!

    APIs and Credentials

    apis and creds images

    url(r'^', include('social.apps.django_app.urls', namespace='social')),

    SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_KEY = os.environ.get(
    SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_SECRET = os.environ.get(


    <div class="container">
      <a href="{% url 'social:begin' 'google-oauth2' %}">Login With Google</a>